Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Write or GTFO

There are hordes of people who have something that they want to say, but just don't know how to say it. They're politically, religiously, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, sexually driven beasts with ideas that evade the elegance of language. They don't necessarily have novel ideas, but they have thoughts and feelings about particular issues, nonetheless. So they remain stationary, the ideas rumbling through their minds like a summer storm. They either go insane or they reach out to someone who shares their ideas and has already written them down.

What do you do if you have the will and the drive for words, but the well of ideas has run dry? Many of the ideas you contemplate are already written down by someone else, and they've accomplished this feat far more competently than you ever might have. Soon, you stagnate. I can just imagine a puddle of still water in the middle of the road following a brief shower getting stomped on by neighborhood kids. The water goes stale. It just lays there and waits for evaporation.

The most agitating advice for pen-blocked writer is "Write what you know." What if you don't care about what you know? What if what you know is uninteresting? Or what if you strive to attain Socrates' wisdom by acknowledging that "I know that I know nothing"?

Then I was gifted with the best advice that anyone could possibly receive:
"Shut the fuck up and just write." It doesn't matter what you write, it doesn't matter who reads it, it doesn't matter if it lasts throughout the ages like a tale from Shakespeare or Homer, it doesn't matter if you like it, it doesn't matter if other people like it. If you write enough, you're bound to come up with at least one diamond in the mess of worthless pebbles. If you don't, do not despair: the process is what matters most. Just enjoy yourself. If you're not enjoying yourself, then get the fuck out of it and find something that you do enjoy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Candid Comics Continues!

Comic #30

Comic #31

Comic #32
Prelude to several comics to come!

Comic #33
Contrary to popular opinion, panda bears CAN and DO cry.

Comic #34
(Protip: If you're thinking about drawing a camel, DON'T.
They're goofy-looking animals that are a pain to draw)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011